Costa Mesa Women's Club
Costa Mesa Women’s Club was formed in 1910 as the Friday Morning Club. In 1922 we became federated with the national organization which was formed in 1890. The motto of the General Federation of Women’s Club International is “Unity in diversity” and its objectives are providing educational advantages for its members, their children and their community; transforming common concerns of public interest into projects and programs of action; stressing the importance of family unity, spiritual values, good health, strong consumer awareness and programs for the elderly, taking an active role of leadership, building and strengthening the American home and through it, making realistic contributions toward world peace.
One of our members officially named our city “Costa Mesa” and we officially changed our name in 1959. Our local projects include many community philanthropies.
For the past few years our club is no longer a member of the National Organization, our ideals, goals, and objectives remain the same.