Bucky Pofahl Recycling Scholarship
Bucky Pofahl – “The Trash Can Dude” was one of the unforgettable campus characters that make Orange Coast such a special place. Bucky was a Wisconsin native, a veteran of World War II – a member of America’s Greatest Generation, an active member of his church, recipient of an Honorary Degree from Orange Coast College, a former KNX Citizens of the Week, A Daily Pilot 103 Honoree, and an all-a-round good guy.
During the 1990’s Bucky was a regular presence on the campus collecting hundreds of thousands of recyclable aluminum cans and beverage containers that he redeemed at the OCC Recycling Center. He then donated the proceeds of his recycling efforts to the homeless, the needy, and for scholarships for Orange Coast College students. While time slowed Bucky down a bit he continued his recycling efforts on a smaller scale at his apartment in Costa Mesa.
In 2002, The ASSOC renamed the Recycling Center Tribute Run Scholarship to the Bucky Pofahl Recycling Scholarship to honor Bucky’s legacy of support for students at OCC. Bucky passed away on September 17, 2006.